About Me

Hello, I’m Tracey Everett

I am passionate about growing vegetables in my raised beds in my garden in Maldon, Essex, UK.

There’s nothing I like better than being in the Vegetable Garden surrounded by plants and wildlife.

I like to encourage my daughter & husband to join me and I welcome you all to join me in my adventures.

I started this blog to help me remember what vegetables I had grown and their progress, but I quickly realised that other people were interested in growing their own vegetables too and that we can all share ideas, photos and top tips hence my slogan ‘Let’s grow together’.

I studied Environmental Science at Greenwich University 20 odd years ago and I still have a keen interest in the environment, nature and wildlife.

I started growing vegetables as a child with my parents in our back garden and in my early twenties I started a vegetable growing blog called iGrowVeg which I wrote for 5 years.

I work full time in Finance but have the weekends and evenings to unwind in the vegetable garden which helps me switch off from work and be at one with nature. I would like work in the Horticulture industry as a writer in the future.

My other interests include cooking, reading, art, podcasts, metal music, travel and future technologies.

Disclosure: My website contains Affiliate Links like Amazon which when clicked on go to products that I have bought for the purpose of growing vegetables in my garden.

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